HTTP status code
Track123 uses HTTP status codes to indicate the status of the request.
Status code | Type | Description |
200 | Success | Request succeeded. |
400 | Bad Request | The request type is incorrect,e.g. incorrect request parameters. |
500 | Server Error | Something went wrong on Track123's end. |
Service status code
Track123 uses service status codes (i.e. the code field in the response object) to mark the status of the request at the service level.
Status code | Type | Description |
00000 | SUCCESS | Success |
A0001 | USER_ERROR | User terminal error. |
A0200 | USER_LOGIN_ERROR | Server error. |
A0201 | USER_NOT_EXIST | Account does not exist. |
A0202 | USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED | The user account is locked. |
A0203 | USER_ACCOUNT_INVALID | The user account is invalid. |
A0230 | TOKEN_INVALID_OR_EXPIRED | Token is invalid or expired. |
A0231 | TOKEN_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN | Token has been forbidden. |
A0300 | AUTHORIZED_ERROR | Abnormal access rights. |
A0301 | ACCESS_UNAUTHORIZED | Unauthorized access. |
A0400 | PARAM_ERROR | User request parameter error. |
A0410 | PARAM_IS_NULL | The parameter for the request is null. |
B0001 | SYSTEM_EXECUTION_ERROR | System error. |
B0100 | SYSTEM_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT | System timeout. |
B0210 | FLOW_LIMITING | Exceed limits. |
B0300 | SYSTEM_RESOURCE_ERROR | Abnormal system resources. |
B0310 | SYSTEM_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTION | System resources are exhausted. |
C0113 | INTERFACE_NOT_EXIST | The interface does not exist. |
D0000 | SERVICE_DETAIL_MSG_ERROR | Other errors, detailed information will be returned in msg or data. |