API Reference

HTTP status code

Track123 uses HTTP status codes to indicate the status of the request.

Status codeTypeDescription
200SuccessRequest succeeded.
400Bad RequestThe request type is incorrect,e.g. incorrect request parameters.
500Server ErrorSomething went wrong on Track123's end.

Service status code

Track123 uses service status codes (i.e. the code field in the response object) to mark the status of the request at the service level.

Status codeTypeDescription
A0001USER_ERRORUser terminal error.
A0200USER_LOGIN_ERRORServer error.
A0201USER_NOT_EXISTAccount does not exist.
A0202USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKEDThe user account is locked.
A0203USER_ACCOUNT_INVALIDThe user account is invalid.
A0230TOKEN_INVALID_OR_EXPIREDToken is invalid or expired.
A0231TOKEN_ACCESS_FORBIDDENToken has been forbidden.
A0300AUTHORIZED_ERRORAbnormal access rights.
A0301ACCESS_UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized access.
A0400PARAM_ERRORUser request parameter error.
A0410PARAM_IS_NULLThe parameter for the request is null.
B0210FLOW_LIMITINGExceed limits.
B0300SYSTEM_RESOURCE_ERRORAbnormal system resources.
B0310SYSTEM_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTIONSystem resources are exhausted.
C0113INTERFACE_NOT_EXISTThe interface does not exist.
D0000SERVICE_DETAIL_MSG_ERROROther errors, detailed information will be returned in msg or data.